project hopper 4ème creative writing

We would like pupils to write an imaginative piece inspired by one of Hopper's.

It's a creative writing assignment, not a request for a description or a report on the artist.

The idea is to imagine what is happening in the image (or what happened before or after) for example.

If there are a people in the image, what are they thinking?

Or pupils can put themselves in the place of someone (the artist or someone else) observing the scene.

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Idac Passer De A1 À A2 Et B1
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Edward Hopper
Edward Hopper was a keen observer of the everyday, which he transformed through his imagination into works of art that bear his signature tense, enigmatic atmospheres. A reflective and individualistic man, he was deeply attuned to the relationship of the self to the world, and his works increasingly focused on the psychological realities of his subjects. Hopper was frequently inspired by the two locations in which he spent most of his time: downtown New York, where he lived and worked in the same apartment on Washington Square from 1913 until his death in 1967; and Cape Cod, where, beginning in 1934, he maintained a second home and studio.
Original link
Edward Hopper’s New York
Edward Hopper, Manhattan Bridge , 1925–26. Watercolor and graphite pencil on paper, 13 15/16 × 19 15/16 in. (35.4 × 50.6 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Josephine N. Hopper Bequest 70.1098. © Heirs of Josephine N. Hopper/Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Original link
Biobox: Edward Hopper
L’actualité au cœur des cours d’anglais
Original link
This competition is open to pupils at A2, B1 and B2 levels. Entries can be individual or group efforts.
The texts must be in English and approximately 100 words long for A2 and 200 words for the higher levels.
If you are having a whole class or classes participate, it would be very helpful if you could send the entries collected by class, by post or e-mail.
Each entry should state the title of the painting which inspired the text, and have the pupil's/pupils' name(s), age(s) and class level, teacher's name and school address.
Please note: Pupils' surnames will in no circumstances be used on the site and we will contact teachers whose pupils' work is chosen for publication to ascertain how to identify pupils (or not if they or their families wish them to appear anonymously.)
Entries must reach us by Wednesday 11 January 2023.
Send entries to:
Speakeasy News Edward Hopper Competition
Nathan Secteur Langues
92 avenue de France
CS 91464
75702 PARIS CEDEX 13
Or by e-mail. (If you send an e-mail, please send .doc, .docx or .pdf documents ONLY. If you are sending for a whole class, it helps us immensely if you send them all together. Or even better in a single file.)